Wednesday, February 19, 2025

mise-en-scene (12)

     Hey blog! I started planning mise-en-scene elements I will incorporate into my film opening scene. 


    In my film opening scene I would like to keep the lightning bright and natural. For the beach scenes we will go to film during the day and hopefully we will have the sun as lighting. As a backup, we will bring flashlights to hold up to make the lighting brighter if the sun is covered by clouds. As for the inside shots we will use high key lighting as the mood will be up beat throughout the opening. The lighting color will be white or a bit yellow, we will play around with lighting colors I have on my fan light as well as our flashlights to see what ends up looking best on camera.

Hair and makeup

    For sammy, she will have curly messy hair that she will tie back in a low ponytail. Sophia and Vicky will have their hair straightened and down. This will be a small visual indication to the audience that Sammy is "naturally excluded" from the two girls. When Sammy sees Vicky and Sophia, she will immediately take her hair down, despite her efforts she will still be the "odd one out". This is significant in suggesting what the film will fully be about. Sammy will have no make up on while the two girls Vicky and Sophia have full faces of makeup. Again, discluding her unintentionally and making her look and feel insecure.

The actors

    Ana will be playing "Sophia" a 18 year old popular girl that is best friends with Vicky

I, Veronica will be playing the role of Vicky, an 18 year old girl best friends with Sophia
Briana will be playing the role of "Sammy" a 17 year old girl that lost her mom recently

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