Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Character development (11)

Meet the girls 



Sammy is the main character in the film. We came up with her name by looking up common girls' names. We wanted her name to be a common one because her personality is going with the crowd and does not really stand out intentionally. The viewer will see with her actions throughout the opening scene that she alters her outfit and hair to fit in with her friends. Sammy has fun curly hair and prefers wearing baggy clothing and dark colors. 

Sammy easily gives into peer pressure when it comes to her” best friends” and desires feeling like she is one of them. She has a great relationship with her dad as she lost her mom when she was much younger. The loss of her mom is what causes her to feel lost is discovering who she is and who she wants to be. This is why she constantly tries her best to be like her friends even if she is not comfortable with their actions or even their style. Sammy is a lost highschoolers, that cares about school and her family. I know we want to have a prop like a picture frame of Sammys’s mom that she says bye to before leaving her house. We want to emphasize the fact that Sammy still misses her mom dearly. 


Sophia and Vicky 

Sophia and Vicky are Sammys friends. They are like two peas in a pod, always with each other and wearing coordinated outfits. Sophia and Vicky are the ones that peer pressure Sammy to be like them. This consists of them having her conform to how they dress, speak, and even underage drinking. This will be displayed in the film opening by Vicky and Sophia talking over Sammy, cutting her off, being loud and giving her hair a weird look when it isn't down like theirs. These girls have a bright pastel, 2016 Tumblr girl aesthetic. Always going shopping, always in bikinis ready for the beach and iced coffees in hand. They wear lots of gold jewelry and always have perfect hair. 



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