Update! We are still editing but it is now one of the groups turn to edit. I did coloring and now one of my group members is working on putting the different clips together in order. We all know that editing is all of our weakest points, so to make up for it we decided to all take turns, so we can all build on each others editing. We are able to do this by signing into just one account that we can all get to when it is our turn to edit the production. This seems more efficient and will overall make our final product better. As all we will do is add to the editing, even the smallest difference will help.
Plus, maybe one of us will see something that the other didn't. I really think editing is the most relaxing part, my group and I can all get on a group call. One person is editing and the other three are finding the material the editor is looking for. Looking through all the clips is really funny, finding bloopers or even finding footage we didn't realize we were recording and you can hear us stressing out about the beach getting dark- that was a hard day on us. I think the funniest blooper is the one where we needed our character Sammy, who is played by brianna, to walk into frame and open the gate to leave her house. But it was locked!
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