Sunday, March 9, 2025

CCR Q1 (23)

 Research for CCR question #1

          Time to start thinking about my CCR question #1. I need to get creative so I would like to do something that I already have some knowledge on. I love podcasts, so i'm thinking of doing a podcast as one of my forms of CCR. This research will identify and answer the question of "How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues?"

    Our genre is a coming of age, so we have many conventions displayed of this genre throughout our opening scene. For instance, we suggest character growth, from childhood to adulthood by introducing an "innocent" character to adult beverages and a more intense friends that are into doing illegal things like underage drinking which expose Sammy to more adult decisions.

    We incorporated dialogue to represent the relationships between the three girls. As this is another key aspect of coming of age films. We made sure to focus on body language as well, inmost scene you will se Sammy covering herself with her arms or have her head down, while Vicky and Sophia are very loud with open body language and very expressive faces. Sammy is internally battling what is right and what is wrong as she hangs out with these new friends. This also is a representation of personal growth. We can't actually show the personal growth or have a hopeful ending like traditional coming of age film because we can fit that all intp an opening scene. It just wouldn't make sense to already have an almost fully developed plot and ending in the opening scene.


    Our product represents social groups by representing the contrast between the deviant girls and the innocent girl Sammy. There is a strong distinction between the two, as the characters Vicky and Sophia partake in rebellious behavior. This is their social group, they are friends because they both do the same illegal things. Sammy, who is trying to fit into this social group is just trying to fit in. This is where the social issue comes in. Sammy wants so badly to fit in, even though these behaviors Vicky and Sophia display are the complete opposite of what Sammy would usually participate in.  The characters Vicky and Sophia clearly have a bad influence on Sammy, but Sammy ends up complying because of wanting to be a part of this social group. But how far will she go?

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Research question #4 (27)

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