Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Research question 2 (25)

Hey blog! I'm doing a rough draft of the points I will hit when answering this question in my CCR, I can look back on this post while im developing my script (which i am currently making) to make sure I answer the question thoroughly. I plan to film my CCR on sunday march 16!

Question #2 

“How does your project engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?” 

My project engages with audiences by having a relatable teenage experience. As it is a coming-of-age film, we included underage drinking and peer pressure. Both of these themes are very relatable to not only teens going through it, but also adults that remember their teen years. Either way, our film scene will raise awareness to how manipulative some “friend” can be and how the people you surround yourself can affect your behavior. The setting being at a pool/park area creates a warm and inviting feel. It being sunny out and in a setting of fun- makes the audience feel how Sammy does. It can be confusing when you're invited to do something bad, but the surrounding contrast thee bad and give off a welcoming mood. A playground is where innocent children play, and the two girls convincing her to drink are not scary looking or wearing dark colors. They too, seem very welcoming. This gives insight to the characters inner battle between right and wrong, which is a very relatable and engaging topic for other teen viewers as well as adults, who can relate back to their teen years and reflect. I would distribute my media in theatres after heavily promoting it on social media. Once it gains attention I have plans to get it distributed on vimeo and even YouTube for easy access. Make sure to check it out! 

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Research question #4 (27)

Here is my rough draft of my answer to this question. I'll use this as reference when developing my script for my CCR (which I am comple...