Tuesday, March 11, 2025

meeting (24)

     Today I met with a group of my peers in class! We all discussed our projects and gave each other feedback. Here I created a quick rundown/overview of what each persons project is about and the feedback each person gave as well as some recommendations and challenges each one of us faced and overcame. This group meeting benefited me in realizing i'm right where i'm supposed to be as far as progress in my project. Also, i'm not the only one that has had problems (big and small) when producing this project.

    First off was my classmate Shira. Her film is about a zombie apocalypse that happened on one random night. It is based on a household of surviving the aftermath of the apocalypse. She informed us that the most challenging part of filming was getting the lighting just right, as it had to be dark but still able to see the actors while still conveying a horror/suspenseful tone. they still have some things left to film. We all gave her some feedback on her blog posts as well. Suggesting more picture/video proof of filming as she had a lot, but they weren't on her blog posts. Someone else in my group meeting, Jayden- suggested that she films with brighter lighting than they desire because they can always darken scenes easily in editing. However, it is hard to brighten scenes later.

    Next, was Wyatt. His film is about a basketball player that wants to be as good as his brother but is just comically bad at it. It is a self discovery theme of the brother finding his own self differed from his brothers identity with basketball. We all reviewed his material on his blog posts and thought he had some pretty nice shots, yet all agreed some coloring could go a long way for their scenes. As the shots were very motivating of them working out, the lighting is slightly dim and the colors are a bit muted. He shared with us the problem they had while filming, they got kicked out of 3 different gyms since neither of them all had the same gym memberships at the same place. They took 2 hours alone just finding a gym they wouldn't get kicked out of until they discovered they could get a free membership at LA fitness for the day.

    Following that was Jayden. Their film is about a young girl whos mom passed away at a young age and goes mute because of the trauma. In response, her dad neglects her and mistreats her. Before her mom died, they were a very religious family which was a huge factor to the families close bond. without the mom, they fell apart. They decide to move to a christian community in honor of the mom but this comment is off putting. They have a negative view on life even though they preach God.  Jayden recommended the iphone app "Black magic" for filming. The only challenge they faced was finding a church but once they did all they had to do was ask permission to film. They said that asking permission was super easy and the people of the church were super nice.

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